Full Name
Crystal Kelly
Amani Financial Inc.
Speaker Bio
Crystal Kelly is a member of Dzawada’enuxw First Nation, situated across from the Northern tip of Vancouver Island. Dzawada’enuxw is one of four tribes making up the Kwakwaka’wakw group of nations, whose native language is Kwak̓’wala.
Crystal is a Certified Financial Planner® with 17 years of experience in the financial services industry. The primary mission of her independent financial planning practice, Amani Financial Inc., is to guide women to financial independence so that they can break the cycle of financial chaos and bring peace of mind to their lives. This is achieved through holistic, fee-for-service financial planning in the areas of cash flow management, investment planning, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance and risk management, tax planning and small business financial planning.
Crystal also delivers over 30 financial wellness workshops per year and has a passion for speaking on the topics of women empowerment and inequalities women face with their financial security and wellness, some of these include:
As a volunteer financial coach with the Empower U program, through United Way, which helps women in poverty facing barriers to financial security.
As a member of, and a financial wellness workshop provider for, the Be The Drum Program through Native Women’s Association of Canada for indigenous women entrepreneurs.
As a member of the Financial Planning Association of Canada, dedicated to elevating the financial planning profession and advocating for higher standards to protect consumers.
As a candidate for the Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist designation and dedication to helping women navigate the challenging process and difficult financial decisions during a separation or divorce.
As a workshop provider and financial literacy educator for many more organizations such as the Strathcona Library, Autism Edmonton, Entrepreneur Organization Women’s Executive Forum, Business & Professional Women’s Club of Edmonton, Women + Wealth Gala Finance Bootcamp, and Edmonton Estate Planning Council.
Crystal Kelly