Full Name
Nikki Komaksiutiksak
Chief Executive Officer
Tunngasugit Inc
Speaker Bio
Nikki Komaksiutiksak is an Inuk woman from Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut. Nikki is the founding member and chief executive officer to Tunngasugit Inc, Western Canada’s first Inuit Resource Centre located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Though Winnipeg is now her home, Nikki has found the strength to preserve her “Inukness” living in the southern part of Canada. Nikki is an active member with the Inuit community in Winnipeg and uses her knowledge and understanding of the south to assist other Inuit moving to the big city.
Nikki is an inspiration to the young and old everywhere, and truly demonstrates a passion for her cultural identity. Nikki is an experienced throat singer, teacher of Inuit history and culture, and a heartfelt musical performer. Nikki has also been selected by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada as the 2023 Inuk Woman of the Year. Nikki has participated in several international events, representing Manitoba and Inuit at such prestigious venues as the 2015 Indigenous Music Awards in Winnipeg. She has recorded music with local Canadian talent over the past 28 years.
Nikki has been featured in many events around the world, always sharing her identity and teaching about her Canadian Inuit Culture. Nikki has taught at the University of Manitoba instructing Inuit Culture & Societies, and various schools throughout Manitoba to teach and showcase Inuit culture to both students and staff. The Inuit of Canada are an integral part of Canadian history and culture, but sadly are often excluded, overlooked, and forgotten. As a mother and survivor of various intergenerational trauma and a family member affected by her sister’s murder at the mere age of 17 while in the care of Child and Family Services, Nikki believes it is important to learn, educate and understand Inuit culture, history, and language. Nikki truly believes that it is critical that Inuit culture is remembered, recognized, and celebrated throughout all of Canada.
Nikki Komaksiutiksak