Full Name
JC Steele
Speaker Bio
JC Steele is an Anishinaabe lawyer from Cote First Nation in Treaty #4 Territory in Saskatchewan. She obtained her Juris Doctor from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in 2022. Prior to law school, she attended the Edwards School of Business where she developed an interest in First Nations economic development and Indigenous nation building that has carried through to her current legal practice.

JC is an associate at JFK law in Toronto where she works mainly with First Nations in Ontario and Saskatchewan in the areas of governance, economic and social development, treaty and inherent rights, negotiation and consultation, and on-reserve property and employment issues. JC is an advocate for Indigenous sovereignty and cultural resurgence. She promotes community-led development and the empowerment of Indigenous women and two-spirit voices at every level of decision-making. A significant part of her practice is working alongside Indigenous groups to revitalize traditional legal orders and develop laws and policies to exercise jurisdiction in the area of child and family well-being.
JC Steele