Linda Berg
Full Name
Linda Berg
Regional HR Manager
BC First Nations Justice Council
Speaker Bio
Linda was born and raised in Chilliwack, and is a member of Douglas First Nations, part of the Stl’atl’imx Nation. In 2023, she completed an MBA with a specialty stream in human resource leadership. In 2024, she completed the Registered Professional Recruiter certification. She also has a Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurial Management degree, and she believes in lifelong learning.

Since 2019, Linda has served as an Adjudicator with the Law Society of BC Tribunal and is in the fifth year of an eight year tearm. The LSBC Tribunal is an independent decision making body. It manages, considers and decides disciplinary cases involving legal professionals and contentious applications of licensing candidates seeking to practice law in British Columbia.
Linda’s full time role is as the Regional HR Manager with BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC).
Her professional background has been as an executive with First Nation governments and with non-profits, as well as previous human resource positions.
She enjoys travelling, taking courses, reading, movies, learning about different cultures, and taking road trips. Linda is honored to live, work and play on the unceded territories of the Syilx Nation.